We might be able to print food in some years
Imagine being able to download your favorite meals like jollof rice, amala all from a machine. As ridiculous as the idea of being able to download food is, it’s also pretty exciting and might be possible in the nearest future.
Scientists based in Japan’s Osaka University have found a way to 3D print wagyu beef in a lab — a step they believe will one day help make widely available and sustainably-produced cuts of cultured meat that closely resemble original products.
Using stem cells that they took from wagyu cows, the scientists set out to create a structure with the characteristic marbling (or sashi) seen in wagyu beef that sets it apart from other cuts of beef. Source – www.insider.com.

Sadly, it’s impossible to know at this point how the fake Wagyu tastes. The researchers said in a Zenger newswire release their bioprinted meat does indeed resemble conventional Wagyu. But it’s still experimental and not ready for human consumption. Source – www.nerdist.com

It might be a while before it is up for consumption, but this is definitely a breakthrough in the journey to the future of food.