Healthy eating habits for 9-5 workers

Due to a busy routine, most working professionals neglect the importance of a healthy diet plan. Taking charge of your diet improves your general well-being which in turn affects your productivity at work.

A big reason behind restlessness, fatigue, and irritability throughout the day while in the office might be linked to a poor diet intake. A usual busy day begins without breakfast, followed by an unhealthy lunch which keeps the energy levels on the toss, and then a late dinner because of commute times and food preparation time.

Here are 5 healthy eating habits to keep your diet level balance and manage your productivity level in and out of work:

  1. Don’t Skip Breakfast – Yes as a worker, you’re almost always in a rush to make your resumption time but if you plan well from the night before, you won’t have to skip breakfast.
  2. Have A Water Bottle Around – Drinking at least 8 glasses of water in a day helps to keep hunger levels down, energy levels high and digestion levels intact. Water intake also helps you to keep diseases and infections at bay
  3. Space Meals Equally – Many people overeat during lunch or breakfast and then go on eating for the next 4-5 hours. The secret ingredient to staying hydrated at work is to space meals equally
  4. Replace Snacks With Fruits – If you spend a lot of time in the office canteen always looking for snacks or sugary stuff then curb the practice right away. Foods with high sugar, trans and saturated fat are poor in nutrition value
  5. Dinner Not After 8pm – Yes!, you read it right. It is recommended to eat a light dinner before the clock strikes 8. This gives your body enough time to detoxify and digest the food before you get into bed.

Getting a hold of your diet involves, controlling what you eat and presumably what you cook. Having a 9-5 might not make this any easier but we can help with that by delivering all the food items you need to your doorstep.

Greeneeds can deliver quality food products right to your doorstep, fresh, fast and easy. Log on to, create your account, select the things you want and we’d be on our way to you.

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