5 benefits of bitter leaf you need to know
Quite a number of people know the importance of bitter leaf and some of its functions in the body. To others, bitter leaf is just another soup ingredient, very tasty as a soup of its own and then also in egusi soup.

Bitter leaf has so much that it does in the body, from eating just the leaf to drink the squeezed juice and putting it in your meals. It has a lot to offer you especially if you consider eating healthy a lifestyle.
After reading this, you would definitely want to plant some bitter leaf in the backyard if you don’t already have it.

Here are 5 benefits of bitter leaf, you need to know:
- They are rich in vitamins and proteins – Bitter leaf is rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E, and K which makes it an all-in-one source for proper vitamins and protein.
- For detoxification and abdominal issues – drinking a glass of squeezed bitter leaf or eating the leaf raw can really clear internal impurities, stomach upsets, and indigestion. It curbs this by removing harmful toxins which might be present in your blood, kidney, or liver.
- Boosts your appetite – For those times you really are hungry but do not just feel like eating, chewing one leaf can do trick. Bitter leaf is rich in fibres and minerals that can open up spike up your appetite levels.
- Aids bowel movement – If you experience trouble doing the needful, then it is advisable to incorporate bitter leaf into your diet.
- It cures fever and boosts your immunity – Oftentimes, fever is an accompanying symptom of malaria. Bitter leaf is effective in controlling this due to the anti-plasmodic properties it contains e.g quinine. The various vitamins, minerals, and proteins, antibiotic, antifungal properties in bitter leaf make it an ideal immunity booster.